Getting your children back into the swing of school could often be dreadful or perhaps this may be the best time of year for you! Either way, it’s still quite some work. Follow our back to school list to get your homework out of the way… for now.
Back To School Checklist For Parents:
School Clothing/Supplies
Whether they are taking part in online schooling or returning to your neighborhood school building, your kiddos are going to need school clothing and supplies. We recommend using an app like Walmart has, it will cut your school shopping time down and can even let you know what isle to get to in store. Don’t forget about Tax Free Weekend – avoid the lines by ordering curb side pick up for supplies.
Morning Routine
It’s always tough transitioning to school mode from summer mode. Try getting your children up early about a week before to get them into the zone so it’s not such a shock when that time rolls around. You can utilize this time to adjust to morning hours and find something fun to look forward to that day, like, ‘Last few days at the pool, we better get up early!’.
Meal Prepping For School
This is super helpful for breakfast and lunch, you can do some prepping on Sunday the week before in order to just grab and go. Prepping for the week for food can be as easy as buying some labeled Tupperware and finding quick, healthy and easy ideas online to fill it with. Pinterest is great for getting lunch and snack ideas!
Backpack Organization
Avoid missing anything from home by having your kiddos lay the contents of their backpacks out the night before. Go through a checklist with them and have them place everything into their bags neatly. This will help with organizational skills in the future and simply just set them up for success the next morning.
Car Pool Club
Taking turns carpooling can really take the heat off of you doing it daily. Find trusted parents in your neighborhood to join in a car pool club and alternate getting kiddos to school if you’re not already a part of the bus system. A great way to delegate school ride duty is by synching up a Google Calendar shared between everyone involved. This way you can label your calendar and nobody misses a beat after a routine is implemented.
These are just a few helpful ideas for getting back to school, nowadays everyone has their own thing. One important reminder as a parent is to always make time for yourself. It’s important to step back, breathe, mediate, go for a walk and engage your senses. Being a parent is tough enough so take the time when your child is in school to remind yourself you are still there! Reach out to us today with any questions you may have! We’re here to help.