Alright, so you feel that our online presence is safe and secure but what about your brick and motor? The physical address of your company? There’s a lot that goes into a commercial property so that means you have to take the steps to protect your steps.
How Commercial Property Insurance Works
For starters, we cover the building, equipment, inventory and outside items right off the bat. With a basic property insurance, unforeseen events and damages such as vandalism, storms, explosions/fire and theft are usually included as well. Additional coverage may become added for disasters like earthquakes or broken glass.
When determining what you should insure, make a thorough list of your property such as equipment, fencing, signs, phone systems, furniture, etc.
Replacement Cost Vs. Actual Cash Value
Commercial property insurance will pay for loses based on these two deciding factors.
- Replacement Cost is the amount necessary to repair, replace or rebuild property on the same premises, with comparable materials and quality, without deducting any amount for depreciation.
- Actual Cash Value is the cost to replace it with new property of similar style and quality, minus depreciation.
Don’t Miss Out On Commercial Property Insurance
You’ve made it this far into the game, you don’t want miss out on having property insurance for your company.
Commercial clients have put their trust in us since 1876. We learn your business, analyze your challenges, protect your interests, and foster a personalized relationship. We’re proud of the lifelong clients we’ve earned from our personalized approach and we will earn your business too.
Reach out to Dexter&Co. to find the perfect policy for your business as your nest egg continues to grow.